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An accordion component. Used to create small pockets of additional information.

This is the summary
These are the details
This is the 2nd summary
These are the 2nd details

You can pass the open prop to any <AccordionItem> to have it be open by default, as seen above in the example.

The accordion component has multiple different styles:

  • outlined (Default)
  • separated
  • filled
  • blank

They can be used via the style prop on the accordion parent. Here’s an accordion with the filled style:

This is the summary
These are the details
This is the 2nd summary
These are the 2nd details

By default, users can open multiple items in the accordion at once. You can change this behavior by setting the multipleOpen prop on the <Accordion> element to false:

This is the summary
These are the details
This is the 2nd summary
These are the 2nd details